Senin, 30 Januari 2012


Meaning Of Invitation :

Invitation is :

1. A document written or printed or spoken words conveying the message by which one is invited
2. The act of inviting, solicitation, the requesting of a person's company as an invitation to a party to a dinner, of to visit a friend
3. A line that is internationally left open to encourge the opponent to attack

Some Expression In Making Invitation :

1. Would you like to ...?
2. How would you like to ...?
3. Do you want to ...?
4. Would you be interested in ...?
5. How About ...?
6. Let's ...?

Some Expression In Accepting Invitation :

1. I'd loved to
2. I'd like to
3. That's sound great/ fun/ terrific/ wonderful

Photos Example Of Invitation :

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